Mr Wee Cho Yaw (黄祖耀) is the Top 10 richest person in Singapore for decades. An easy way of being rich is to be a long term business partner of these proven rich people through stock investing, ideally entering during COVID-19 stock crisis with discounted prices.
In this article, you will learn from Dr Tee on 6 Wee Chow Yaw Family Giant Stocks in Singapore for longer term investing with COVID-19 recovery stock rally. Bonus for readers who could read every words of the entire article, learning unique strategy to position in each Wee family stocks. This investing strategy may be extended to any Top 10 richest person in any country.
1) UOB Bank (SGX: U11)
2) UOB Kay Hian (SGX: U10)
3) UOI (United Overseas Insurance) (SGX: U13)
4) UOL Group (SGX: U14)
5) UIC (United Industrial Corporation) (SGX: U06)
6) Haw Par Corporation (SGX: H02)
Wee Cho Yaw is the second generation of Wee Family, succeeding the bank business from his father (Wee Kheng Chiang), expanding the UOB Bank with multiple acquisitions of other banks (defeating DBS to acquire OUB Bank), becoming the third largest bank in Singapore. Wee Cho Yaw has retired (91 years old but still engaging actively in businesses), distributing the family businesses to the third generation, 3 sons: Wee Ee Chong, Wee Ee Lim, Wee Ee Chao.
Unlike Chinese saying of “wealth does not last over 3 generations” (富不过三代) or English saying of “clogs to clogs is only three generations”, Wee Family has been training family members to be management since young, not simply inheriting the wealth. As long as management is performing (regardless operated by family or external talent), giant stocks supported by strong businesses will continue to grow.
There are 30 STI index component stocks including Wee Cho Yaw Family giant stocks of UOB and UOL. Wee Cho Yaw has established an empire of businesses with 6 giant stocks over 3 key sectors in Singapore: Banking & Finance (UOB, UOB Kay Hian and UOI), Property (UOL and UIC) and Healthcare (Haw Par). Each of the 6 stocks is connected by a network of cross-shareholding structure (read past article by Dr Tee for details) with near simple majority (eg. A owns B & C, while B owns A & D, etc).
This is an efficient way to expand the businesses with limited capital in the early time but having potential risk of weaker control in overall shares ownership when there is a strong competitor. In more recent years, instead of more acquisition of new businesses, Wee Cho Yaw family has been focusing on strengthening the control of these core businesses with more shareholding (eg. buying more shares of UOL, Haw Par, etc), establishing a more stable business structure for the third and future generations.
Let’s learn from Dr Tee on how to position in these 6 Wee Cho Yaw stocks over 3 promising sectors in Singapore, especially during COVID-19 stock crisis recovery rally:
1) Singapore Banking & Finance Giant Stocks
1.1) UOB Bank (SGX: U11)
Business performance of UOB Bank is aligned with other 2 major banks in Singapore, DBS Bank and OCBC Bank. In general, global and Singapore banks are at its low tide of business with higher NPL (Non-Performing Loan) during pandemic and lower interest income due to low bank interest rates globally.
UOB Bank stock is recovering steadily from low optimism during pandemic, currently about 41% optimism, still having discount in share prices. UOB is a moderate growth stock, suitable with Buy Low & Hold long term strategy. In normal time (without MAS cap of 60% dividend payment), UOB stock investor could receive 5-6% stable dividend yield (depending on entry price), suitable for long term investing with Mr Wee Chow Yaw family (strong sponsor) core business.
Therefore, it may be smarter to be an UOB bank stock investor (sharing 5-6% dividend yield and potential capital gains) than being a client of UOB with cash deposit for long term (contributing cheap loan with less than 0.5% interest for UOB to invest or expand business).
1.2) UOB Kay Hian (SGX: U10)
Business performance of UOB Kay Hian is relatively weaker than other Wee family stocks in longer term, mainly due to stagnant and smaller Singapore stock market, resulting in less profits for stock brokerage business. However, during COVID-19 stock crisis, stock trading volume has increased for local and global stocks, therefore UOB Kay Hian is gaining momentum in both business and share price.
UOB Kay Hian stock is recovering from low optimism during pandemic, currently about 35% optimism, having higher potential in medium term share prices with more active traders who buy or sell local and global stocks. UOB Kay Hian is a cyclic stock, suitable with Buy Low & Sell High in medium term strategy, growing together in bullish stock market with pandemic recovery rally.
1.3) UOI (United Overseas Insurance) (SGX: U13)
Business performance of UOI (United Overseas Insurance) is relatively more stable in longer term (not much affected during COVID-19), mainly due to defensive nature of insurance industry (leveraging on probability of nature to make profits with calculated risks, diversifying over a large number of populations or policies).
UOI stock is corrected relatively less than other Wee family stocks during pandemic, currently near fair price of about 58% optimism, having lower potential in long term due to less discount in share prices. UOI may be considered for medium term cyclic trading with Buy Low Sell High strategy but it may not be as exciting as other Wee family stocks for short term traders.
There are 30 Banking & Finance Stocks in Singapore including UOB Bank, UOI and UOB Kay Hian (investor has to focus only on giant stocks for investing):
AMTD IB OV (SGX: HKB), B&M Hldg (SGX: CJN), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Edition (SGX: 5HG), G K Goh (SGX: G41), Global Investment (SGX: B73), Great Eastern (SGX: G07), Hong Leong Finance (SGX: S41), Hotung Investment (SGX: BLS), IFAST Corporation (SGX: AIY), IFS Capital (SGX: I49), Intraco (SGX: I06), Maxi-Cash Finance (SGX: 5UF), MoneyMax Finance (SGX: 5WJ), Net Pacific Finance (SGX: 5QY), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), Pacific Century (SGX: P15), Prudential USD (SGX: K6S), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), SHS (SGX: 566), Sing Investments & Finance (SGX: S35), Singapore Reinsurance (SGX: S49), Singapura Finance (SGX: S23), TIH (SGX: T55), Uni-Asia Group (SGX: CHJ), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOB-KAY HIAN HOLDINGS (SGX: U10), UOI (SGX: U13), ValueMax (SGX: T6I), Vibrant Group (SGX: BIP).
2) Singapore Property Giant Stocks
2.1) UOL Group (SGX: U14)
2.2) UIC (United Industrial Corporation) (SGX: U06)
Business performances of UOL and UIC (United Industrial Corporation) are aligned with other major Singapore property stocks (eg. CapitaLand, City Development, Hongkong Land, etc). In general, global and Singapore property prices are relatively stable during pandemic, partly due to low mortgage rate and slower response in property market (comparing to panic sell within weeks by global stock investors during early phase of pandemic in Mar 2020). However, due to circuit breaker in Singapore and global lock down globally in Q2/2020, property businesses are still affected.
With recovery of local and global economy, both UOL and UIC are expected to gain more momentum in property market. Both stocks of UOL and UIC are recovering steadily from low optimism during pandemic, currently about 35% optimism (UOL) and 7% Optimism (UIC) respectively. UIC has more discount in share prices than UOL (over 50% discount with price-to-book ratio = 0.46 for UIC).
UOL is a growth stock, more suitable with Buy Low & Hold long term strategy. UIC is a cyclic stock, more suitable with Buy Low & Sell High in medium term strategy. Both UOL and UIC could pay moderate dividend yield of nearly 2% (more than bank interest of 0.5%), suitable for positioning as midfielders for both capital gains in share prices appreciation and moderate passive income with stable dividend.
There are 140 Property Stocks in Singapore including UOL and UIC (investor has to focus only on giant stocks for investing):
3Cnergy (SGX: 502), A-Smart (SGX: BQC), AEI^ (SGX: AWG), AIMS Property (SGX: BVP), APAC Realty (SGX: CLN), Abterra (SGX: L5I), Acromec (SGX: 43F), Amara (SGX: A34), Amcorp Global (SGX: S9B), AnnAik (SGX: A52), Astaka (SGX: 42S), BBR (SGX: KJ5), BRC Asia (SGX: BEC), BlackGoldNatural (SGX: 41H), Boldtek (SGX: 5VI), Bonvests (SGX: B28), Boustead (SGX: F9D), Boustead Projects (SGX: AVM), Bukit Sembawang (SGX: B61), Bund Center (SGX: BTE), CSC (SGX: C06), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), Casa (SGX: C04), Chemical Industries (SGX: C05), China Great Land (SGX: D50), China International (SGX: BEH), China Real Estate (SGX: 5RA), China Yuanbang (SGX: BCD), Chip Eng Seng (SGX: C29), City Development (SGX: C09), DISA (SGX: 532), Debao Property (SGX: BTF), ETC Singapore (SGX: 1C0), Edition (SGX: 5HG), EnGro Corporation (SGX: S44), Fraser and Neave F&N (SGX: F99), Far East Orchard (SGX: O10), Figtree (SGX: 5F4), First Sponsor (SGX: ADN), Fragrance (SGX: F31), Frasers Property (SGX: TQ5), GYP Properties (SGX: AWS), Gallant Venture (SGX: 5IG), Golden Energy (SGX: AUE), Goodland (SGX: 5PC), GuocoLand (SGX: F17), HL Global Enterprises (SGX: AVX), Hatten Land (SGX: PH0), Heeton (SGX: 5DP), Hiap Hoe (SGX: 5JK), Hiap Seng (SGX: 510), Ho Bee Land (SGX: H13), Hock Lian Seng (SGX: J2T), Hong Fok (SGX: H30), Hong Lai Huat (SGX: CTO), Hong Leong Asia (SGX: H22), Hongkong Land USD (SGX: H78), Hor Kew (SGX: BBP), Huationg Global (SGX: 41B), Hwa Hong (SGX: H19), IPC Corp (SGX: AZA), ISOTeam (SGX: 5WF), Imperium Crown (SGX: 5HT), Jasper Investments (SGX: FQ7), KOP (SGX: 5I1), KSH (SGX: ER0), Keong Hong (SGX: 5TT), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel Reit (SGX: K71U), King Wan (SGX: 554), Koh Brothers (SGX: K75), Koon (SGX: 5DL), Kori (SGX: 5VC), LHN (SGX: 41O), Ley Choon (SGX: Q0X), Lian Beng (SGX: L03), Low Keng Huat (SGX: F1E), Lum Chang (SGX: L19), MMP Resources (SGX: F3V), MYP (SGX: F86), Metro (SGX: M01), OIO (SGX: KUX), OKH Global (SGX: S3N), OKP (SGX: 5CF), OneApex (SGX: 5SY), Oxley (SGX: 5UX), PSL (SGX: BLL), Pacific Century (SGX: P15), Pacific Star Development (SGX: 1C5), Pan Hong (SGX: P36), Pavillon (SGX: 596), Perennial Holdings (SGX: 40S), Pollux Properties (SGX: 5AE), PropNex (SGX: OYY), Raffles Infrastructure (SGX: LUY), Regal International (SGX: UV1), Renaissance United (SGX: I11), Rich Capital (SGX: 5G4), Roxy-Pacific (SGX: E8Z), Ryobi Kiso (SGX: BDN), SHS (SGX: 566), SLB Development (SGX: 1J0), SP Corporation (SGX: AWE), Sasseur Reit (SGX: CRPU), Second Chance (SGX: 528), Sin Heng Mach (SGX: BKA), Sinarmas Land (SGX: A26), SingHaiyi (SGX: 5H0), SingHoldings (SGX: 5IC), Singapore-eDev (SGX: 40V), Sinjia Land (SGX: 5HH), Soilbuild Construction Group (SGX: S7P), Starland (SGX: 5UA), Straits Trading (SGX: S20), Swee Hong (SGX: QF6), Sysma (SGX: 5UO), TA (SGX: PA3), TTJ (SGX: K1Q), Tai Sin Electric (SGX: 500), Thakral (SGX: AWI), Thomson Medical Group (SGX: A50), Tiong Seng (SGX: BFI), Top Global (SGX: BHO), Tosei (SGX: S2D), Transcorp (SGX: T19), Tritech (SGX: 5G9), UIC (SGX: U06), UOA (SGX: EH5), UOL (SGX: U14), USP Group (SGX: BRS), Vibrant Group (SGX: BIP), Wee Hur (SGX: E3B), Wing Tai (SGX: W05), Yanlord Land (SGX: Z25), Yeo Hiap Seng (SGX: Y03), Ying Li International (SGX: 5DM), Yoma Strategic (SGX: Z59), Yongmao (SGX: BKX), Yongnam (SGX: AXB), Yorkshine (SGX: MR8).
3) Singapore Healthcare Giant Stock
– Haw Par Corporation (SGX: H02)
Business performance of Haw Par is relatively stronger in long term than other Wee family stocks, partly due to defensive growing healthcare sector. In fact, over 70% revenue of Haw Par is from investing in other 2 Wee family stocks of UOB Bank (3% share) and UOL (8% share) due to the unique cross-holding structure of 6 Wee Cho Yaw stocks. The hidden valuable assets of Haw Par (through ownership of UOB and UOL) could already justify for the current Haw Par share prices, therefore the healthcare business (eg. tiger balm medical products) is an added bonus for Haw Par stock investors who indirectly also own UOB and UOL stocks.
Haw Par is a strong growth stock, price corrected relatively less than other Wee family stocks during pandemic, currently share price recovers to 43% optimism, near to fair value with some discounts. Potential of Haw Par share price is mainly on its steady business growth, suitable with Buy Low & Hold long term strategy with protection by parent stocks of UOB and UOL.
There are 37 Healthcare Stocks in Singapore including Haw Par (investor has to focus only on giant stocks for investing):
Accrelist Ltd (SGX: QZG), Alliance Healthcare (SGX: MIJ), Aoxin Q & M Dental (SGX: 1D4), Asia Vets Holdings (SGX: 5RE), AsiaMedic (SGX: 505), Asian Healthcare Specialists (SGX: 1J3), Beverly JCG (SGX: VFP), Biolidics (SGX: 8YY), Cordlife (SGX: P8A), First Reit (SGX: AW9U), Haw Par Corporation (SGX: H02), HC Surgical Specialists (SGX: 1B1), Healthway Medical Corporation (SGX: 5NG), Hyphens Pharma International (SGX: 1J5), IHH Healthcare (SGX: Q0F), ISEC Healthcare (SGX: 40T), IX Biopharma (SGX: 42C), Lonza Group (SGX: O6Z), Medinex (SGX: OTX), Medtecs International Corporation (SGX: 546), OUE Lippo Healthcare (SGX: 5WA), ParkwayLife Reit (SGX: C2PU), Pharmesis International (SGX: BFK), Q&M Dental Group (SGX: QC7), QT Vascular (SGX: 5I0), Raffles Medical Group (SGX: BSL), RHT Health Trust (SGX: RF1U), Riverstone Holdings (SGX: AP4), SingMedical Group (SGX: 5OT), Suntar Eco-City (SGX: BKZ), TalkMed (SGX: 5G3), Thomson Medical Group (SGX: A50), Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical Group (SGX: T14), Top Glove Corporation (SGX: BVA), Trendlines Group (SGX: 42T), UG Healthcare Corporation (SGX: 41A), Vicplas International (SGX: 569).
There are over 1500 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.
Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.
Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:
Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Jardine Strategic Holdings JSH (SGX: J37), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).
Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Mall Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.
There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register: www.ein55.com