Dr Tee Ein55 Course (2 Days) Schedule: LOFTP Analysis
Ein55 Express | Time | July 2025 (Live Zoom) | Make Up (Video) |
Day 1 (Wed) | 6:30 – 10:30pm | July 9 | TBA |
Day 2 (Sat) | 1:30 – 6:30pm | July 12 | TBA |
Dr Tee Ein55 Express Course – Objectives :
To provide attendees with the techniques on how to Make CONSISTENT Passive Income & Maximize PROFITS in Stock Market by unique LOFTP (Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal) Analysis using the most practical Ein55 Styles, which is applicable for BEAR, FLAT and BULL markets.
Dr Tee Ein55 Express Course (2-Day) Outlines
Day 1: FA / TA / Optimism Analysis
1) Foundation of Ein55 Styles
2) Fundamental Analysis (FA)
– 8 FA Weapons
3) Technical Analysis (TA) – ST / MT / LT
– Ein55 Trading – When to Buy/Sell?
4) Optimism Analysis (OA)
– Short/Medium/Long Terms Investing
5) (FA + TA + Optimism) Integration
– Trend-Following Trading System
6) Practical Case Studies with Strategies
– Growth / Cyclic / Dividend Investing
– Momentum / Swing / Shorting Trading
Day 2: Level / Personal Analysis
1) 4 Mechanisms to Make Money
2) Level Analysis (LA)
– Stock / Sector / Country / World
3) Personal Analysis (PA)
– A.C.T.S. Strategy
4) Star of Opportunity (LOFTP)
– LOFTP Integrated Strategy
5) Dream Team Stock / Spring Cleaning
– Global Giant Detector (21 Exchanges)
– 4 Spring Cleaning Strategies
6) Practical Case Studies with Strategies
– Defensive / Undervalue / ETF Investing
Video preview of Dr Tee Ein55 Course:
Dr Tee Ein55 Course (6-Day) – 55 Investment Styles of Ein55:
#1 FTP Analysis: FA + TA + PA (三足鼎立)
#2 When Trader Meets Investor (以慢制快)
#3 Mega-Market-Cycle Investing (滑浪高手)
#4 Let Mega Trend be your First Friend (大势所趋)
#5 Let Time be Your Second Friend (时来运转)
#6 Macro and Micro Analysis (龙头老大)
#7 Stock Market and Economy (脣齿相依)
#8 World Synchronization (同生共死)
#9 Economy Master Plan (纵横天下)
#10 Spiral Economy (螺旋经济)
#11 Blessing in Disguise (因祸得福)
#12 FA + TA (发达之道)
#13 Heaven & Earth (惊天动地)
#14 STI Predictions (峰谷预测)
#15 Mega Market Period (牛熊之期)
#16 Relative and Absolute TA (相对绝对)
#17 Abstract Arts of Bull and Bear (指牛为熊)
#18 Harvest Festival (五谷丰收)
#19 Optimism of Mega Market (乐观指数 )
#20 Stock Inflation (股票通胀)
#21 Speculation Factor (险中求胜)
#22 Pair Analysis (难兄难弟)
#23 Crucial Timing (机緣巧合)
#24 PA (Personal Analysis) (个人分析)
#25 Political Economy (政治舞台)
#26 Push the Boat along with the Current (顺水推舟)
#27 Winning Probability of Unfair Game (神机妙算)
#28 Personal Indicators (微服出巡)
#29 Mass Market Sentiment (多数服从少数)
#30 Investor Psychology with PA + TA (四通八达 )
#31 Measurement of Greed and Fear (日有所思)
#32 Euphoric Stage (乐极生悲)
#33 Snowball Effect (雪上加霜)
#34 Stop Fire with Fire (以火制火)
#35 Light at the end of Tunnel (起死回生)
#36 Reversed Climbing (逆转攀爬)
#37 Amnesia (失忆症)
#38 Sleeping Investor Theory (南柯一梦)
#39 Spring Effect (蓄势待发)
#40 Hibernation and Summer Vacation (冬暖夏凉)
#41 Tank Theory (水涨船高)
#42 Antibiotic Effect (饮鸩止渴)
#43 Metamorphosis (柳暗花明又一村)
#44 Soup Cooking Theory (斧底抽薪)
#45 Mega flat market (惊涛骇浪)
#46 Wheel of Fortune (风水轮流转)
#47 Survival of the Fittest (物竞天择)
#48 Trap of Safe Haven (危机四伏)
#49 5W1H in Investing (投资六问)
#50 Personalized Investing Strategy (独一无二)
#51 50/50 Method (五五方式)
#52 Half-Market-Cycle Investing (事半功倍)
#53 Entry and Exit with % Optimism (乐观投资)
#54 Risk Management (狡兔三窟)
#55 Ein55 Life Styles (人生哲学)
For individual who is interested to Generate Consistent Passive Incomes (>=10%/year) and CAPITAL GAINS (50%-200%) through investing as a RELAXED INVESTOR in Stock and diversified investment Markets.
Dr Tee Tong Yan Ein55 Course Review:
“I attended your free seminar on 11 March 2015 and CWT was mentioned a couple of times. I entered CWT when it hit $1.50 support on 23 March 2015. I found CWT to have better FA while using the free stock screener shared. I have already recovered the 5-day course fees from CWT. Thanks!”
Robin (audience who attended free 4 hour seminar, following by 5-day course in May 2015)
View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:
Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar): www.ein55.com