Risk Management for Stock Investment (三足鼎立)

In stock or any investment, before aiming for rewards, one should consider the potential risks first: - what are the threats (poor business, bearish price, weak economy, etc) - how it may fail (high debt, cashflow issue, political / … [Continue reading]

Strategies for Gold & Silver Trading and Investing

Gold and Silver are popular precious metals for commodity trading. However, they are no longer effective hedging tools against market fear (eg. inflation or uncertainty), when common pool of investors are fearful of stock market, especially during … [Continue reading]

Strategies for Great Stocks Sales (狡兔三窟)

Over the past few years, due to high optimism (>75%) in Level 3 (US) and Level 4 (World) stock market, focus has been in shorter term trading / investing, as if carefully walking on thin ice. With recent sudden meltdown of global stock market from … [Continue reading]

Dr Tee (Ein55) Style of Stock Market Outlook

It is hard to wait for Level 3 (country) and Level 4 (world) stock markets to fall, sometimes need to wait for 10+ years. The current crisis may not be a global financial crisis yet (require confirmation with weaker economy with falling of related … [Continue reading]

What to Do in Stock Crisis Now?

Global stock markets (including US & Singapore) have fallen over 20% from the peaks of indices over the past 1 month, fulfilling the common technical definition of a "Bear Market". Global and local stock investors who still have stocks now are … [Continue reading]

Stock Market Crash with Coronavirus Pandemic

There are always 2 sides of news, outcome depends on which side you position. Learn further here to position in both Coronavirus and Stock Market Crisis. 1) Fear Bad news: Coronavirus is now a PANDEMIC (declared by WHO). Good news: It has … [Continue reading]

3 Levels of Stock Market Crisis (Wolf, Mini / BIG Bears)

Every 10 wolves (eg. 10% minor stock correction, could be yearly) may lead to 3 mini bears (eg. 20% major stock correction, could be every 1-3 years), eventually only 1 becomes the BIG bear (eg. over 50% stock market crash, could be every 10+ years) … [Continue reading]

Crashes in Global Stock Market and Oil Market

Global stock markets crashed yesterday, dropping as much as 7% (with protection of circuit breaker) for US stock market, 6% for Singapore stock market. There could be more downside if fearful emotion continues. Oil crisis comes faster than … [Continue reading]

Triple Short Term Crisis of Oil & Gas Stocks (屋漏偏逢连夜雨)

Global Oil & Gas sector has been under crisis mode over the past 6 years, Brent crude oil fell from US$115 (year 2014) to $27 (year 2016) per barrel, about 25% of peak price, a very low optimism for the past 2-3 decades, ending the mega bull run … [Continue reading]

How to Start Stock Investment with Low Capital ($1000)

Not everyone born in a rich family, therefore starting line is different for investment. For any form of common investment (stock, property, bond, commodity, forex or even bitcoin, etc), here are 3 main considerations for an investor: 1) Capital … [Continue reading]