Wait for Durian to Drop in Stock Crisis 榴莲忘返

Investing in global stock crisis is similar to wait for durian to fall (best if other people's durian tree). It is fine to wait for durians to drop, eg. DBS Bank (SGX: D05) below $10/share or giant stocks below low optimism level, but if there is a … [Continue reading]

Temasek Dividend Stock Singtel (掌上明珠)

Temasek invests in about 40 global stocks, the largest investment by market capitalization is in Singtel (52% shareholding), jewel in the crown. Singtel (SGX: Z74) is not just the fixed deposit of Temasek (through consistent dividend payment for … [Continue reading]

10 Bullets of Crude Oil USO ETF Investing (十重天机)

If you stayed till 2am Singapore time last night, you would have chance to trigger the first silver bullet, entry to buy WTI crude oil below US$20/barrel (only lasted for less than 1hr, heavy correction of 9% in 1 day) through USO oil ETF. This is … [Continue reading]

3 Strategies for Crude Oil ETF (USO) 大小通吃

When WTI crude oil falls below US$20/barrel during current Crude oil price war (between OPEC and non-OPEC), price is cheaper than mineral water (same volume) for some countries, it is attractive to buy USO (WTI oil etf) for long term, I am not … [Continue reading]

Change Horse Strategy: SIA to SATS (塞翁失马)

Nightmare of a long term investor is to hold on to a weak fundamental stock with declining share prices over the decade, wasting both time and capital. It is painful to cut loss halfway, therefore many retail traders (especially those who follow tips … [Continue reading]

Singapore Airlines Rights/Bonds Issues (插翅难飞)

Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), SIA, is Singapore national airlines, icon of Singapore when flying proudly in the air for decades. Over the past few months of Coronavirus crisis, Singapore Airlines fall in share prices over 30%, aligned with the … [Continue reading]

Source of Stock Market Fear (解铃还须系铃人)

Based on simple calculation, with over 13k new daily Coronavirus infected cases, US will overtake Italy in 1-2 days as No 2, then in 2-3 days will overtake China as No 1 for # infected cases (based on reported data, not actual happened). Italy has … [Continue reading]

Stock Market (QE vs Coronavirus) 水火不容

Over the past 1 month of global stock crisis with 30% major correction to US stock market due to fear of both Coronavirus pandemic affecting the whole world and Crude Oil price war between OPEC and non-OPEC. By right, it is nearly a mission … [Continue reading]

Action in Global Stock Crisis 心动不如行动

Market analysts usually like to predict the future. Before 1 month ago in bull market, some still predicted how high US stock and economy may surge. Now, of course predict how low it may drop to the bottom. Some readers may be confused of so many … [Continue reading]

Antibiotic of Unlimited QE (饮鸩止渴)

Trump started as US president on 20 Jan 2017, S&P 500 index was 2271 points (Trump "IPO" price), surging to historical high of 3386 points on 19 Feb 2020, rising about 50% in 3 years, reaching over 90% Optimism for US stock market, then following … [Continue reading]