Contrarian Investing for Singapore and Hong Kong Giant Dividend Stocks (独孤求败)

Contrarian investing is a unique stock strategy (eg. Buy Low Sell High) which goes against the majority or popular views as usually the big winner in an emotional stock market is minority. However, there are both hidden risks and opportunities of this strategy if not aligned properly with own personality, “honey” may become “poison” for an investor.

Let’s learn the 6 key factors of contrarian investing from Dr Tee, then applying in 2 Singapore and Hong Kong dividend giant stocks:
1) Singapore Dividend Giant Stock: Hongkong Land (SGX: H78)
2) Hong Kong Dividend Giant Reit: Link Reit (HKEX: 0823)

The best example of contrarian investor is probably Warren Buffett who believes in “Be Greedy when others are Fearful. Be Fearful when others are Greedy” (独孤求败). He has practiced this method for decades to “Buy Low Sell High” or “Buy Fair price and Hold”, proven to work for him. However, knowing does not mean the same strategy may be suitable for you.

Here are 6 key factors for contrarian investing to work:
1) Value of a company should come first before considering to buy at lower price with contrarian investing of any stock. In order to minimize the chances of “Buy Low get Lower”, a strong defensive and growing business with wide moat should be the core pillar, not just based on price alone.

2) Contrarian investing is more suitable for mid term and long term investor. As Warren Buffett said, “Stock behaves like a weighing machine in longer term”, meaning price eventually follows strength of business fundamental while “stock is like a voting machine in shorter term” (emotional prices regardless of business). It is possible (although rare) for short term investor to apply contrarian trading but this is mainly for those traders who are willing to integrate trading with long term investing, eg. when buying at 10% dip (near intermediate price support), willing to hold longer term if share price could not recover in short term with over 10% gains.

3) Timing of entry/exit for contrarian investors is usually against the majority (mass market, usually following price trends). For example, when a stock is bearish in share price (while business is intact), a contrarian investor would start to plan for entry. However, Buy Low may get lower (even for stocks with strong businesses) in a bearish market, therefore a contrarian investor may consider “Average Down” strategy, eg. entry with batches (5 x 20%) or (2 x 50%), etc. When Dr Tee Optimism strategies (Long Term / Mid Term) could be integrated, the positioning would be more systematic. Alternatively, a contrarian investor may wait for the bearish (downtrend) price to at least go sideways (eg. buying near or above strong price support) if not willing to wait for stronger price reversal to uptrend (trend-follower).

4) Alignment with Level Analysis, eg. Level 2 (Sector), Level 3 (Country) and Level 4 (World), is crucial for Contrarian Investor, eg. Buy Low during low Optimism (<25%) with Global Financial Crisis, Sell High during high Optimism (>75%) with historical best economic and stock performances. With such alignment, usually law makers of each country may provide additional support (eg. QE or printing money) during financial crisis, easier for stock to recover. Similarly, a government may cool down the stock market when economy is overheated, especially with high inflation (eg. interest rate hike).

5) Dividend giant stocks would help a contrarian investor to generate passive incomes (eg. >5-10+% dividend yield) during the difficulty time. Eg. over the past 1 year of global tech stocks correction, when growth stocks do not grow in share prices, an investor may suffer capital loss (if holding growth stocks with 0 dividend) or zero / little return (if holding cash).

6) Regardless how confident is an investor on any stock or business (including giant stock), there are always potential unsystematic risks which could be beyond the control, although it may be rare but it is never zero risk. Therefore, it is prudent to diversify over 10-20 giant stocks as a portfolio or through a giant index ETF. Even when a stock may fall to $0 or business goes bankrupt, the potential maximum capital loss of portfolio is limited to only 5-10%. Eg. if there is a portfolio of 20 dividend giant stocks with 5% dividend yield, it could generate $5 from every $100 investment yearly, therefore even if 1/20 stock may disappear ($5 loss) under very rare condition, the dividend yield ($5) could be sufficient to balance the risk of holding in long term.

Similarly, a contrarian investor would also Sell in an overheated stock market with over 75% Optimism while most trend-following traders would think this is the best time for trading. So, whether contrarian investing is “honey” (eg. Buy Low Sell High) or “poison” (eg. Buy Low Get Lower), it depends on how much integration of 6 factors above to own unique personality (eg. short term / medium term / long term). There is no best strategy in the world for stock investing but one has to find the most suitable one for own personality (eg. contrarian vs trend-following, long term investing vs short term trading, fundamental vs technical, etc).

Let’s apply contrarian investing on these 2 Singapore and Hong Kong dividend giant stocks:

1) Singapore Dividend Giant Stock: Hongkong Land (SGX: H78)

Hongkong Land has nearly 100 years of business record in property market, part of Jardine Group with about 200 years of history in China. Due to slowing Hong Kong economy and property market (especially during last 3 years of pandemic), Hongkong land share price has dropped by half over the past 5-7 years from peak price of $8+ to low prices of about $4+.

The share prices have even dropped below $4 during 2020 and 2022, the 2 worse times of pandemic in Hong Kong / China, recovering and supporting above $4 resistance (becoming support currently). A contrarian investor may consider Hongkong Land stock below $5, averaging down if needed if falling to $4.50, $4 or below. Assuming the stock may go bearish or sideways, an investor may collect about 5% dividend yield currently (higher yield if share price bought is lower), higher than Singapore Savings Bond of 3% interest (purely passive income, no potential capital gain).

More importantly, Hongkong Land has 2/3 investment properties (mostly collecting rental in Hong Kong / Singapore / China, behaving like a Reit with strong rental business) and 1/3 development properties (mostly in China, having a mega project with $4 Billions investment in West Bund of Shanghai). China / HK has ended zero COVID policy, Hongkong Land business is expected to recover strongly (especially for development projects in China) with this Level 3 (country) alignment of policy.

Hongkong Land is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from correction in China pandemic 2022, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $8+/share or over $10/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is well balanced, could be suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) but not for trading (downtrend for short term). Hongkong Land is not a Reit but having the stability as a Reit with strong business (value), therefore may be considered for contrarian investing by some investors.

For investors with limited capital, not able to diversify over 10-20 dividend giant stocks, Singapore STI index has 30 stocks (including Hongkong Land) with 4% dividend yield, may be considered for contrarian investing but not ideal at current near fair price (40+% Optimism), may need to wait till the next Global Financial Crisis to buy STI at low.

2) Hong Kong Dividend Giant Reit: Link Reit (HKEX: 0823)

Link Reit is the largest reit in Asia and Hong Kong. It has rental business in Hong Kong, China and overseas including Singapore (recently 5% portfolio with acquisition of Jurong Point and partial Thomson Plaza). Most of the properties (including carpark business) are defensive in nature with over 10% rental reversion (critical for dividend growth over time). Due to slowing Hong Kong economy and property market (especially during last 3 years of pandemic), Link Reit share price has dropped by half over the past few years from peak price of $80+ to low prices of about $40+.

The share prices have even dropped below $40 during 2022, second major wave of pandemic in Hong Kong / China, then recovering and supporting above $60 resistance (becoming support). However, recent rights issue has corrected the share price further with over 10% below TERP (theoretical ex-rights price) of $59.70. Rights issue is a positive move the raise fund for overseas expansion but it is viewed negatively by the market (some retail investors may not like to top up extra money to invest in stocks). A contrarian investor may consider Link Reit below $60 (considering rights as a gift with extra 30% discount while value or business remains intact), averaging down if needed if falling to $50, $40 or below. Assuming the stock may go bearish or sideways, an investor may collect about 5.7% dividend yield currently (higher yield if share price bought is lower).

The latest rights issue is considered Ver 3.0 expansion for Link Reit to global market (mainly asia pacific including Australia, Singapore, etc), in addition to Ver 1.0 expansion (locally in Hong Kong) and Ver 2.0 expansion (China). Each version of plan is about a decade plan, critical for Link Reit to remain competitive and growing in a sustainable way. The portfolio can be expanded further with more yield accretive assets globally, allowing dividend yield of entire Reit portfolio to grow further. However, it takes time for both business growth (Version 3.0) and share price growth.

Link Reit is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from correction in China pandemic 2022 (but suffering from “normal” market fear of rights issues), aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $100/share or over $120/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is well balanced, may be suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) but not for trading (downtrend for short term).

For investors with limited capital, not able to diversify over 10-20 dividend giant stocks, Hong Kong HSI (Hang Seng index) has over 60 stocks (including Link Reit) with 3% dividend yield, may also be considered for contrarian investing as Optimism is also low (<25%), aligning with Link Reit.


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

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Top 4 Crisis Defender Growth Stocks (一飞冲天)

Global stock markets experienced mini bear last year with over 30% major correction in stocks, following by strong recovery in Year 2023, especially for US and Hong Kong giant stocks, supported by declining US inflation and ending of zero COVID policy in China / Hong Kong with full reopening of borders.

Instead of worrying about uncertain markets, a smart investor and trader may consider strong growth giant stocks (一飞冲天) with protection by strong growing business, a natural way to hedge against high inflation with interest rate hike while accumulating capital gains in a steady way with global pandemic recovery.

In recent 14th Ein55 Charity Course (5 Nov 2022) on Global Growth Stocks, we have raised fund of $17,000 for Tzu Chi Singapore to help needy families in Singapore. Under the spirit of charity, Dr Tee decides to share 4 defensive growth stocks in 4 countries of 4 growing sectors (pharmaceutical, agricultural, insurance and consumer discretionary) with readers as strikers in current early bullish stock markets (read each details in this article to fully understand on how to position in these giant stocks):

1) Singapore Growth Pharmaceutical Stock – TJ DaRenTang (SGX: T14)

2) Malaysia Growth Agricultural Stock – QL Resources (Bursa: 7084)

3) Hong Kong Growth Insurance Stock – Ping An Insurance (HKEx: 2318)

4) US Growth Consumer Discretionary Stock – Nike (NYSE: NKE)

The best time to invest in global growth giant stocks is always during global stock crisis (eg. Year 2020-2021 during pandemic, 2008—2009 during subprime crisis, etc), not only able to maximize the dividend yield (due to lower entry share price), also could have higher potential of capital gains (when market cycle moves from fear in low optimism to greed in high optimism). Growth stock investing is not based on stock strategy (Buy & Hold for capital gains) alone, may be integrated with cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High), dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividends), swing / momentum trading (Buy & Hold for short term / medium term gains), defensive investing and other Ein55 strategies.

However, not all the high growth stocks (potential value trap) are suitable for growth investing. A growing business in the past may not be sustainable during or after COVID-19 period and a growth stock may not able to continue the same rate of growth. Similarly, even a growth stock may have strong and sustainable business but if share prices is bearish due to emotional stock market or declining sector, it may not be a good choice for investors to Buy Low (prices may get lower in short term), integration with trading or alignment with promising sectors would help for a smooth entry.

Fundamental Analysis alone is not sufficient, a low PB or low PE or high dividend yield stock may be a value trap as this may be the result of lower share price with weakening businesses. Therefore, deeper analysis is required with LOFTP (Level, Optimism, Fundamental, Technical, Personal Analysis) Strategies. 

Let’s learn these 4 giant growth stocks from 4 promising sectors (pharmaceutical, agricultural, insurance and consumer discretionary) as defenders in 4 countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and US), understanding the business nature, investment clock and unique strategy.

1) Singapore Growth Pharmaceutical Stock – TJ DaRenTang (SGX: T14)

During and even after COVID-19 period, TJ DaRenTang (Tianjin ZhongXin) consistently achieves outstanding growing pharmaceutical business (about 70% in TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine). It has many patents and unique / popular products which a strong moat for future growth.

The stock is dual-listing, 1/3 in SGX (T14) and 2/3 in China SSEC (600329). Comparing using the same currency USD, China-listed stock is 4X higher price than Singapore-listed stock, resulting in Singapore stock (T14) is more valuable (from investing perspective) with 6% dividend yield with current stock price.

TJ DaRenTang is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from correction in China pandemic 2022, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $1.50/share or over $2.50/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is well balanced, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains) and trading (uptrend in short term), but not for cyclic investing (near to fair price).

Since the stock was shared on 5 Nov 2022 (about $1) during charity course, the share price has surged about 30% over the past 3 months.

2) Malaysia Growth Agricultural Stock – QL Resources (Bursa: 7084)

QL Resources is a major producer for eggs / chicken, during high inflation period in 2021-2022, unlike most commodity stocks, it suffered major correction in business due to price cap by Malaysia government for eggs / chicken. As a result, the past high growth is slowed down, then starts to grow again over the past few quarters with support of other growing divisions (marine products, palm oil and Family Mart operations).

QL Resources is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from the worst time of eggs business, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $7.50/share or over $9/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is more suitable for growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains) and trading (uptrend in short term).

Since the stock was shared on 5 Nov 2022 (breaking above critical $5 resistance) during charity course, the share price has climbed up about 20% over the past 3 months.

3) Hong Kong Growth Insurance Stock – Ping An Insurance (HKEx: 2318)

Over the past 3 years of pandemic, Ping An Insurance (business in China) has declined by about 1/3 but the price corrected by 2/3, aligning with the fear of Hong Kong stock market (Hang Seng Index was halved from the peak), providing a rare investing opportunity.

Ping An is undervalue, despite higher gearing ratio, core business in insurance is still defensive in nature. The parent company (Ping An) is much stronger than other subsidiaries (businesses not as good).

Ping An is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from correction in last 3 years of pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $100/share or over $150/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is all-rounded, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend, 5% dividend yield currently), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), trading (uptrend in short term) and cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High).

Since the stock was shared on 5 Nov 2022 (about $35) during charity course, the share price is nearly doubled over the past 3 months. There is still significant upside potential, mainly due to over-correction in share price over the past 3 years.

4) US Growth Consumer Discretionary Stock – Nike (NYSE: NKE)

Nike has the largest global market share for sports shoes and related products (following by Adidas and Puma). It has many popular products which a strong moat for future growth under consumer discretionary market.

Nike is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from US stock crisis in 2022, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $150/share or over $180/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is more suitable for growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains) and trading (uptrend in short term).

Since the stock was shared on 5 Nov 2022 (about $96, later breaking above critical $100 resistance) during charity course, the share price has surged about 35% over the past 3 months.


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

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Dr Tee Stock Webinar

Hidden Stock Opportunities in New Year of Rabbit 2023

Global inflations have started to decline from peak of decades high, especially for US (from 9.1% to 7.1% currently. aiming below 5% in near future). Historically, proven lower inflation would help to limit the interest rate hike which would be a relief (especially for technology stocks) for global investors. A smart investor may not wait until news to confirm such trend, able to take action earlier (with assistance of reversal signals to bull, not all stocks are suitable to consider now) than majority who may be still worrying about recession.

US stock market is not as weak as shown by S&P 500 stock index. In fact, most of the sectors are recovering well, except for technology and consumer discretionary. However, since most of the large cap stocks (top 10 of S&P 500) are technology stocks, therefore the index has been weak, mainly due to bearish Nasdaq stock market.  However, there are few thousands of other stocks in US which are non-technology which may be considered earlier by investors or traders.  Eventually, even technology stocks in US would follow HK/China stocks to recover strongly, especially when there is more consistent drop in inflations over the next few months.

Inflation rate is a lagging indicator based on CPI (Consumer Price Index) over the past 1 year. In fact, monthly and quarterly CPI has been declining significantly but yearly CPI difference (which is the standard inflation) only starts to show reversal in the past few months.  When inflation starts to “confirm” dropping below an acceptable level by the Fed, it may be too late for most investors to enjoy the free lunch.  Despite the hidden fact of declining inflations, the Fed could not be soft in its tone as lower CPI would help to create bigger safety margin to avoid future reversal of inflations to a new high, especially the US job market is extremely strong (3.5% unemployment rate, the lowest level over the past 50 years). When global stock investors start to make money again in investment, they may continue to spend more money (higher inflation), therefore it is wise to scare them to be more prudent in spending next time.

With recent relaxation of COVID policy in China (full reopening of border), Hong Kong / China stock markets have been soaring (Hong Kong Hang Seng Index has jumped over 30% in the past few months while some individual giant Hong Kong stocks have started to recover over 50% in share price as if there is no tomorrow). As mentioned over the past 1 year, even a smart investor may not know the true market bottom, simple averaging down strategy below low optimism may be applied on HSI index while collecting 3% yearly dividend (comparable with Singapore Savings Bonds which has no capital gains, a popular choice for many retail investors, not knowing it is a loss in long term by investing below high inflation of 5% in Singapore).

One day, a true global financial crisis would still come (even if 2022 technology bubble and Hong Kong/China stock crisis due to zero COVID policy are only market corrections). However, an investor could not worry everyday that “sky would fall down”, as if worrying of suffocation, therefore refuse to eat (因噎废食) which is not reasonable. A better option is to be flexible, integrating short term trend-following trading with long term growth / dividend investing, taking calculated risks while others are still fearful.

It is timely now to review own stock portfolio, making decisions (Buy / Hold / Sell / Wait / Shorting) ahead of majority. 


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

Download Dr Tee Latest eBooks: Market Outlook 2023 & Dream Team Portfolio 2023

Fresh from Oven: Download the latest 2 FREE high-quality stock investment eBooks by Dr Tee on (1) “Global Market Outlook 2023”, covering comprehensive investment topics: Stock, Property, Commodity, Forex, Bond and Political Economy & (2) “Dream Team Portfolio 2023” with Top 10 global stocks for capital gains and passive incomes. Past readers have benefited both stock investment eBooks, learning simple and useful strategies to position in current global stock markets.

Are you worried about the current global stock market with potential black swans such as high inflation, interest rate hike, Russia-Ukraine War, supply chain disruptions and endless COVID19 cases which contribute to declining stock prices? Every crisis is an opportunity for investing. You will learn useful methods step by step from 2 valuable FREE stock investment eBook by Dr Tee which work in stock market. Take action now to surprise yourself!

Dr Tee 刚完成2本投资秘籍。《环球市场展望2023》书内覆盖很多在环球主要市场 (美国、新加坡、香港、中国、欧洲) 的投资议题及提供解决方法。《10大梦幻股票2023》书则分享了各种实用投资策略于10大高潜能股票。很多读者已经从Dr Tee过去发表的股票投资书中受惠,大家可在Dr Tee 的最新报告中洞悉环球市场目前面对的风险及机遇。

Table of Contents (FREE Stock Investment eBook #1):
Global Stock Market Outlook 2023

Mass Market Sentiment Survey (大众市场情绪调查)
Review of Global Stock Markets (环球股市回顾)
US Market Outlook (美国市场展望)
Regional Market Outlook (Europe, China, Hong Kong) (区域市场展望)
Singapore Market Outlook (Stock & Property) (新加坡市场展望)
Conclusions and Recommendations (总结及建议)

Table of Contents (FREE Stock Investment eBook #2):
Top 10 Global Stocks – Dream Team Portfolio 2023

Personalized Stock Investment Portfolio (个人化股票投资组合)
Ein55 Global Top 10 Stocks (10大全球高潜能股票)
Summary of Actions (投资方向总结)

Download Dr Tee 2 eBooks Here:


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

Short Selling Strategies for Bearish Stock Market (反败为胜)

Over the past 6 months, the Fed starts to increase interest rate drastically to suppress the high inflation rates over 8%. As a result, global stock markets experienced second round of stock crisis since Mar 2020 (pandemic crisis) with over 20%-50% major correction in most stocks, especially technology stocks in US Nasdaq and Hong Kong.

Current global economy is still relatively strong but any black swan (eg. Russian-Ukraine war escalated to higher level, crash in property / bond / commodity /forex markets, political instability with major economy, new COVID variants, etc) may drag it into global financial crisis.

Instead of worrying about uncertain markets, a trend-following trader may leverage on market fear to potentially profit from falling stock prices with short-selling. As for smart investors, there is option to hedge against the declining portfolio value of long term position with inverse ETFs, especially for those who are not familiar with short-selling.

Crisis could be Opportunities if an investor or trader knows how to apply short-selling strategies during bearish stock market. Let’s learn further from Dr Tee on how to take action in current stock markets with shorting strategies:

1) Short Selling Strategies

It is more common to short sell a stock with CFD (Contract for Difference), making profit with falling of the prices over a period of time.  Since the global stock market (especially indices for major economies) are growing in long term, therefore it is more suitable to consider shorting with short term strategy.

Since business fundamental has less changes in short term (eg. a few weeks or a few months), main focus for shorting is on Technical Analysis (TA) of share prices with consideration of Level Analysis (eg. L2 sector and L3 country performances)

Here are 2 main considerations:

1.1) Technical Analysis

In contrary to normal long position (Buy & Hold), shorting has higher probability in a bearish stock market with declining prices (eg. dropping over 10-20% in a few months). A trader may focus on stocks which show consistent trend of “lower lows and lower highs” of share prices, initiating shorting position when the price pattern below certain support (eg. neckline of double top, support of a price channel, etc) or recording a new intermediate low over the past few weeks / months (price just falls below the support).

Most experienced traders apply CFD for short selling with margins. Since it involves leveraging, it is possible a trader to lose more than initial capital, especially if there is no risk management such as stop loss. Therefore, it is critical to apply S.E.T. (Stop Loss / Entry / Take Profit) in a trading plan. Position size is also important to limit the potential loss within comfortable level before aiming for higher return with CFD leveraging.

For example, after shorting is initiated, a trader needs to set a higher price as stop loss (shorting is reversed strategy, making money with falling prices, making loss with rising prices), eg. if entry with price below the support, then stop loss is naturally when there is a false breakout (price is returned above the support).  Each trader may have unique risk tolerance level, eg 5-10%, and difference profits target, with / without leveraging.  When shorting selling is successful (price falling as expected), a trader may apply a trailing stop (eg. moving average, MACD and other common TA indicator), cover the shorting position (closing the shorting position) when there is a reversal signal with rising prices, taking profits at this stage while waiting for the next opportunity to short again.

Short term trading, especially short selling with CFD, requires strong commitment to trading plan, removing emotions due to volatile daily prices. Intra-day trading is more speculative as any unexpected daily news may cause a surge in daily prices.  Ideally, short term trading requires consideration of price in a few weeks to a few months.

1.2) Level Analysis

Level Analysis is mainly to align individual stock (Level 1) with sector (Level 2) or country indices (Level 3) to maximize the strength of price trends.  For example, when market leaders such as S&P 500 Index or Nasdaq Index (Level 3) records a new lower price over the past 6-12 months with bearish TA trends, if sector (Level 2, eg Technology Sector – XLR) also follows, then probability for Level 1 technology stocks (eg. FANG / software / semi-conductor and related stocks) to fall will be higher.  The quality of shorting would be higher after such Levels 1-2-3 alignment.

Therefore, when indices are recovering (eg. reversed from bear to bull) one day, it would be more risky to short at a stock which may be still bearish.  The consideration is similar to long a stock (Level 1, less than 10% stocks could still be bullish currently) while the indices (Level 3) are bearish, probability of success will be lower.

2) Inversed ETFs

For retail traders who are less familiar with short selling or CFD, may consider inversed ETFs, which would grow in prices (as if long strategy) with falling of indices. The application is limited to major Levels 2-3 indices (eg. certain sector and country indices ETF), very few on individual stocks (except for popular stocks such as Apple, Tesla, etc).

Even for investors who hold on to current stock portfolio, may apply inverse ETF as a hedging tool to limit or stop the losses in a bearish stop market. If Level 2-3 indices falling trends are aligned to long term position of Level 1 stocks, an investor may apply a suitable inverse ETF to hedge against the bearish stock market to limit the losses of holding to current stock portfolio (if not selling).

For inverse ETF, there is option of 1X, 2X, 3X reverse return, eg. when Nasdaq falls by 1%, SQQQ would go up by 3X = 3%.  This indirectly includes CFD leveraging into inverse ETF, allowing higher volatility (higher potential return with higher risk).

Here is a list of common inverse ETFs, sorted by fund size (SQQQ is the most popular):

Here are some common ProShares Short ETFs:

PSQ     (-1X Nasdaq Index)

SQQQ (-3X Nasdaq Index)

SH       (-1X S&P 500 Index)

SPXU  (-3X S&P 500 Index)

DOG   (-1X Dow Jones Index)

SDOW (-3X Dow Jones Index)

YXI     (-1X China A50 Index)

It is relatively safer to apply inverse ETF than CFD for short selling because a retail investor could apply normal long strategy (eg. Buy Low Sell High, Buy High Sell Higher) which is more natural.  In addition, the loss of inverse ETF is limited to capital invested (assuming no stop loss is applied). However, inverse ETF has lack of choices, trends of Level 2-3 indices may not fully aligned with Level 1 individual stocks interested (which would be more suitable with CFD).


Shorting is mainly reversed strategy (aiming for lower prices) of usual long strategy (aiming for higher prices), riding the bearish share prices, breaking each critical support to start the shorting. It may be against the personalities of some investors, therefore it is possible to “Wait”, no need to “Short” during a bear market.

The global stock market continues to monitor the CPI (Consumer Price Index) or inflation, which likely to fall further over the next few months due to higher base for comparison 1 year ago (CPI is yearly economic data) unless there is another unexpected market surprises (eg. Russia stopping the supply of natural gas to Europe during the cold winter, US/China trade war escalated to the next level, etc).


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

4 Singapore Defensive Dividend Stocks and REITs (稳如泰山)

In this Dr Tee 1hr video education (4 Singapore Defensive Dividend Stocks and REITs), you will learn:
1) Formation of Defensive Stock Portfolio

2) Singapore Stock Market Outlook
– Short term, medium term & long term

3) Singapore Dividend ETFs
– Singapore Index Fund: STI ETF (SGX: ES3 & G3B)
– Singapore REIT Fund: CSOP Singapore REITs ETF (SGX: SRT)

4) 4 Singapore Defensive Dividend Stocks and REITs:
– CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust / CICT (SGX: C38U)
– Mapletree Industrial Trust / MIT (SGX: ME8U)
– OCBC Bank (SGX: O39)
– Challenger Technologies (SGX: 573)

5) Defensive Investing Strategies with Low Optimism Giant Stocks
– Kiasu Personality (Average Down)
– Kiasi Personality (Average Up)

6) Bonus / Q&A
– Hong Kong Hang Seng Index vs China A50 / CSI 300 Index
– Bottom Fishing of Giant Stocks with Falling of Inflation from the Peak
– Impact of Interest Rate Hike on Bank Stocks

Here is Dr Tee Free 1-hr Video Course. Enjoy and give your comments for improvement. You may subscribe to Dr Tee Youtube channel (Ein Tee) for future Dr Tee video talks.

Dr Tee Video Course:

Past readers could have profited with over 50% rally in share price if have taken actions during pandemic on similar giant stocks at low optimism level. No one could change the past but you could still change the future if taking action to learn now!

Investing with 30 STI Index Stocks (including 3 dividend giant stocks of CICT, MIT and OCBC) is a defensive strategy, indirectly diversifying the risks among 30 large size businesses in Singapore.


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

4 Defensive Undervalue-Dividend-Stocks of Singapore and Hong Kong against Black Swans

In this Dr Tee 2hr video education (4 Defensive Undervalue Dividend Stocks), you will learn:
1) Interactive Impacts of 5 Potential Black Swans
– COVID19, High Inflation, Interest Rate Hike, Supply Chain Disruption, Russia-Ukraine War

2) Singapore and Hong Kong Stock Market Outlook
– Short term, medium term & long term

3) 4 Singapore and Hong Kong Defensive-Undervalue-Dividend Stocks:
– Singapore Index Fund: STI ETF (SGX: ES3 & G3B)
– Hong Kong Index Fund: HSI ETF (HKEX: 2800 & 2833)
– Singapore Property Giant Stock: Hongkong Land (SGX: H78)
– Hong Kong Giant Reit: Link Reit (HKEX: 0823)

4) Defensive Investing Strategies with Low Optimism Giant Stocks
– Kiasu Personality (Average Down)
– Kiasi Personality (Average Up)

5) Bonus / Q&A
– Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07)
– Alibaba (HKEX: 9988 / NYSE: Baba)
– Impact of interest rates (HDB / Banks) on Property Market

Here is Dr Tee Free 2-hr Video Course. Enjoy and give your comments for improvement. You may subscribe to Dr Tee Youtube channel (Ein Tee) for future Dr Tee video talks.

Dr Tee Video Course:

Past readers could have profited with over 50% rally in share price if have taken actions during pandemic on similar giant stocks at low optimism level. No one could change the past but you could still change the future if taking action to learn now!

Investing with 30 STI Index Stocks (including Hongkong Land) is a defensive strategy, indirectly diversifying the risks among 30 large size businesses in Singapore.

Similarly, investing with 66 HSI Index Stocks (including Link Reit) is a defensive strategy (with additional protection of low optimism Hang Seng Index, leveraging on pandemic recovery and stimulus plans in China), indirectly diversifying the risks among 66 large size businesses in China / Hong Kong:



There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

5 Stock Actions for 5 Black Swans (五内如焚)

Over the past 2 years of pandemic, global stock markets have been experiencing roller-coaster rides, down and up and down … mainly due to these 5 black swans with high uncertainties in cyclic manner:

1) COVID19 Pandemic

2) Supply Chain Disruption

3) Interest Rate

4) Inflation

5) Russian-Ukraine War

Global stock markets experienced mini dotcom bubble with over 30%-50% major correction in technology stocks, especially in US Nasdaq and Hong Kong. Both long term investors and short term traders are worried of high inflation over 8%, interest rate hike (may exceed 3% in 1 year), Russia-Ukraine War (higher commodity prices), supply chain disruptions and endless COVID19 cases (over 2 years) which contribute to declining stock prices. These 5 black swans (五内如焚) may spread the fears in technology stocks to most sectors, resulting in a global financial crisis.

Instead of worrying about uncertain markets, a smart investor may consider strong dividend giant stocks with protection by defensive sector business, a natural way to hedge against high inflation with interest rate hike while collecting growing passive incomes in a steady way. A wise trader would make friend with price trend, waiting for uptrend to reenter again (avoiding Buy Low get Lower). It is possible to integrate long term investing with short term trading to enjoy the best of 2 worlds.

Crisis could be Opportunities if an investor or trader knows how to take 1 of 5 critical actions (Buy / Hold / Sell / Wait / Shorting) aligning to own personality. Let’s learn further from Dr Tee on how to take action in current stock markets with 5 black swans:

1) Buy

With over 90% global stocks (especially in US & Hong Kong) turned bearish, “Buy” action for investors could be more suitable for defensive dividend giant stocks, taking calculated risks of limited downside, no need to time the market.  A trader may still consider strong individual stocks from bullish sectors such as utilities, commodities, energy, etc, which still have potential to rise.

Most people wish to Buy Low Sell High but usually ending up do nothing when market is falling (fear of falling knife) and rising again (fear of “expensive” stocks).

Supply chain disruptions during pandemic becomes worse, especially for commodities (eg. agricultural products, crude oil and natural gas) during Russia-Ukraine War which is highly complicated (political, financial, humanistic, etc).  While commodity stocks still enjoy higher profits in near future, it is more suitable for shorter term traders as Ein55 Optimism level of commodity stocks are generally higher, may not be suitable for long term investing.

2) Hold

A short term trader may have sold the stocks when stock markets start to turn bearish a few months ago but a long term investor may have option to hold on to certain stocks with condition that it is a giant with strong and defensive businesses. 

During interest rate hike (to tame the high inflations), global bank stocks would have higher interest income due to higher Net Interest Margin (NIM).  However, banks profits could be reduced if the stock correction ends up as a global financial crisis (eg. stagflation or hyper-inflation over 10%), there could be less borrowing of money by corporate. At the same time, non-interest income (eg. investment funds, insurance, credit card, etc) is highly dependent on economy condition.

The Fed of US is taking the lead to increase interest rate (from 1%) which is an art to control the high inflation (over 8%) with amount of adjustment. If the interest rate is increased too fast (eg. over 1% each time), investors may become fearful, resulting in bearish stock market which could limit hiring and expansion of business, ending as global financial crisis eventually. If the interest rate is increased too slow (eg. minimal 0.25% each time), it could not bring down the high inflation (already last 40 years high).  The Fed could only do micro adjustment every few months (6 times each year) while giving “assurance” with more positive comments to cool down the inflation without spreading the fear too much.

Singapore stock market performs better than US stock market so far in Year 2022, mainly due to there are more banking and finance stocks (over 30%) than technology stock (only 1, Venture Corp) in 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (CICT) (SGX: C38U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Singapore Exchange (SGX) (SGX: S68), Singapore Airlines (SIA) (SGX: C6L), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singtel (SGX: Z74), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (YZJ) (SGX: BS6).

Similarly, there are more value stocks in Malaysia 30 KLCI index component stocks:


3) Sell

Some investors may feel that it is too late to sell stocks after over 30% – 50% correction in stocks, especially in technology sector. In fact, short term traders and long term investors have different risk tolerance levels, criteria to sell could be different as well. For traders, it is important to follow a consistent trading system to buy and sell (eg. every few weeks or months), mainly based on Technical Analysis with trend-following. For investors, more considerations on longer term stock performance including business conditions (not just based on stock prices), selling of stocks is an option, not a must.

Some investors may also worry after selling a stock (especially a giant stock), hard to buy back again at the same prices, therefore prefer to hold.  If an investor could integrate trading mindset into investing, even if the current bearish stock market is only a major correction (eg. rebound when high inflation is tamed), it is never too late to buy back the same stocks (or stronger stocks) at the same selling price or even higher price (difference of selling and buying price is a premium of insurance to ensure a more bullish market).

Sell a stock (whether to take profits or minimizing losses) is not a mistake, even the stock may recover higher eventually.  When business or fundamental analysis is core (value investing), stock price analysis (allowing Buy Low or Sell High) would help to enhance the probability of success with higher potential return.  Partial consideration of only fundamental or technical is incomplete, there could be market traps in each method.

4) Wait

For investors or traders with no stock currently, some may want to wait for opportunities to buy low. Cash is king only when used at the right time in investment one day.  Cash deposit in banks forever could be wasted if too much cash (beyond emergency fund for family) with little return (current bank interest rate is still far below inflation, therefore cash is shrinking in value with time). 

For investors who could not any take action in stocks due to low risk tolerance level, may consider to invest in bank stocks (eg. getting 1% interest from cash deposit in OCBC vs over 4% dividend in OCBC stock), risk as stock investors could be lower (especially for lower price-to-book ratio stock) than cash depositor ($75k compensation if a Singapore bank go bankrupt).

“Wait” is an important action but window of opportunity may be widely opened while market is still chaotic or full with negative comments. It is easy to say “Be greedy when others are fearful” but it is possible to Buy Low get Lower as it is almost impossible to buy at the lowest point (similarly to sell at the highest point). 

So, probability investing (eg. LOFTP strategiesLevel / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) is a solution, taking action (from Wait to Buy) when signal has appeared for own personality.  As of now, mini bear (over 20% correction in indices) is confirmed but big bear (over 50% price correction) is still uncertain.

Waiting is meaningful only if an investor or trader could take action at certain point of time to buy stock again (eg. a portfolio of 10-20 giant stocks with strong businesses and recovery in share prices).

5) Shorting

“Shorting” is a higher probability of action in a bearish stock market with over 90% stocks correcting to lower prices, profiting from lower prices. However, it is more suitable for shorter trading and S.E.T. (Stop Loss / Entry / Target Prices) plan is required for trading because shorting could have infinite loss when a trader short sell a stock with rising price (sky is the limit for upward potential, eg. Tesla or iFAST have over 10X in share prices over the past few years).

Shorting may be conducted with CFD (Contract for Difference) platform but only selected stocks are available (many weak fundamental stocks may not be available in CFD). CFD may not be suitable for beginners, especially those who don’t have a trading plan.  Alternatively, an investor may considered inversed ETF (higher prices or more profits when actual index is falling) which could be traded under most stock exchanges.

Shorting is mainly reversed strategy (aiming for lower prices) of usual long strategy (aiming for higher prices), riding the bearish share prices, breaking each critical support to start the shorting. It may be against the personalities of some investors, therefore it is possible to “Wait”, no need to “Short” during a bear market.

While 5 black swans above could be uncertain in nature (therefore it is called “black” swan) but they are actually secondary factors. The primary factors of stock market prices up and down are actually Greed and Fear, which could be reflected under LOFTP (Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal). Despite we could not have a crystal ball to see the future stock market, probability investing aligning to own personality would enhance the winning chances.


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

Top 4 Crisis Defender Dividend Stocks (抗压存股)

Global stock markets experienced mini dotcom bubble with over 30%-50% major correction in technology stocks, especially in US Nasdaq and Hong Kong. Both long term investors and short term traders are worried of high inflation over 8%, interest rate hike (may exceed 3% in 1 year), Russia-Ukraine War (higher commodity prices) which contribute to declining stock prices. A potential black swan may spread the fears in technology stocks to most sectors, resulting in a global financial crisis.

Instead of worrying about uncertain markets, a smart investor and trader may consider strong dividend giant stocks with protection by defensive sector business, a natural way to hedge against high inflation with interest rate hike while collecting growing passive incomes in a steady way.

In recent 13th Ein55 Charity Course on Global Dividend Stocks, we have raised fund of $21,700 for Tzu Chi Singapore to help needy families in Singapore. Under the spirit of charity, Dr Tee decides to share 4 defensive dividend stocks in 4 countries of 3 defensive sectors (banking & finance, utilities, oil & gas) with readers as defenders in current bearish stock markets (read each details in this article to fully understand on how to position in these giant stocks):

1) Singapore Dividend Bank Stock – OCBC Bank (SGX: O39)

2) Malaysia Dividend Bank Stock – Public Bank (Bursa: 1295)

3) Hong Kong Dividend Utility Stock – CK Infrastructure / CKI (HKEx: 1038)

4) US Dividend Oil & Gas Stock – Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD)

The best time to invest in global dividend giant stocks is always during global stock crisis (eg. Year 2020-2021 during pandemic, 2008—2009 during subprime crisis, etc), not only able to maximize the dividend yield (due to lower entry share price), also could have higher potential of capital gains (when market cycle moves from fear in low optimism to greed in high optimism). Dividend stock investing is not based on stock strategy (Buy & Hold for dividends) alone, may be integrated with cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), swing / momentum trading (Buy & Hold for short term / medium term gains), defensive investing and other Ein55 strategies.

However, not all the high dividend yield stocks (potential value trap) are suitable for dividend investing. A growing business in the past may not be sustainable during COVID-19 period and a dividend stock may not able to continue the payment of dividend. Similarly, even a dividend stock may have strong and sustainable business but if share prices is bearish due to emotional stock market or declining sector, it may not be a good choice for investors to Buy Low (prices may get lower in short term), integration with trading or alignment with promising sectors would help for a smooth entry.

Fundamental Analysis alone is not sufficient, a low PB or low PE or high dividend yield stock may be a value trap as this may be the result of lower share price with weakening businesses. Therefore, deeper analysis is required with LOFTP (Level, Optimism, Fundamental, Technical, Personal Analysis) Strategies. 

Let’s learn these 4 giant dividend stocks from 3 promising sectors (banks, utilities, oil & gas) as defenders in 4 countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and US), understanding the business nature, investment clock and unique strategy.

1) Singapore Dividend Bank Stock – OCBC Bank (SGX: O39)

With rising interest rates globally, bank sector would earn more in interest income (mainly through higher net interest margin, NIM). With accelerated pandemic recovery, banks would also make more profits in non-interest incomes (eg. insurance, credit card, investment, fund management).

So, giant bank stocks usually are good choices for dividend stocks as defenders during bearish market but they could change position as a striker with higher capital gains when stock market is bullish.

OCBC has nearly 100 years of business with merging and acquisition of many banks, supported by major shareholder, Lee Family, as well as an important subsidiary (contributing to about 30% earnings of OCBC), Great Eastern (SGX: G07), an insurance giant stock which has over 100 years of proven operations. Both giant stocks have experienced numerous stock market “crisis” over the past decades, survival-of-the-fittest principle is fully demonstrated, not comparable by any new rising star or promising IPO stock with limited history.

OCBC has strong business performance, after 60% dividend cap during FY2020 is lifted, dividend yield is back to 4.5%, highest among the 3 major Singapore Banks (OCBC, DBS, UOB), partly due to more undervalue in share prices.  Over the past 10 years, OCBC has increased dividends payment by 2.5X times, assuming similar performance in the next 10 years, dividend yield could increase to about 10% for long term investors.

OCBC is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $13/share (about 8% potential upside in medium term) or over $15/share when market emotion may be greedy again. The stock is well balanced, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), but not for cyclic investing (near to fair price) nor trading when trend is still sideways.

OCBC Bank is an all-rounded stock but an investor or trader may need diversification over a portfolio of 10-20 giant stocks in 3 sectors of 3 countries, not to buy only 1 giant stock (concentration risk).

2) Malaysia Dividend Bank Stock – Public Bank (Bursa: 1295)

Similar as Singapore, Malaysia bank stocks also benefit from rising interest rates and reopening of economy, especially the international borders are widely opened to tourists.

Public Bank is one of a few remaining private banks (another is Hong Leong Bank, Bursa: 5819) in Malaysia with strong growing businesses. Public Bank is very prudent in expenses, staff cost is one of the lowest among the peers. It also has an insurance giant stock (LPI, Bursa: 8621) as subsidiary.

Relative to OCBC and peers in Singapore, Public Bank is moderate in dividend payment (about 3.3% dividend based on current share prices) but stronger in growth and high cyclic potential due to share prices heavily discounted over the past few years with lagging Malaysia economy.

Public Bank is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $6/share (about 30% potential upside in medium term). The stock is well balanced, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) and even trading when price is back to uptrend in short term.

Public Bank is an all-rounded stock but an investor or trader may need diversification over a portfolio of 10-20 giant stocks in 3 sectors of 3 countries, not to buy only 1 giant stock (concentration risk).

3) Hong Kong Dividend Utility Stock – CK Infrastructure / CKI (HKEx: 1038)

Utilities sector has defensive business (eg. power or water supplies with fixed rates for several years), therefore able to generate consistent dividends, even during a bearish stock market.

CKI is under CKH (HKEX: 1), both are Hang Seng Index component stocks with major sponsor, Li Ka-shing, the richest person in Hong Kong.  CKI also owns Power Assets (HKEx: 6) and Hong Kong Electric, as well as global utilities businesses, contributing to dividend yield of 4.7% (based on current share prices), a defensive stock popular among Hong Kong investors, especially with bearish stock market driven by ATM (Alibaba / Tencent / Meituan) and other technology stocks.

CKI is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $80/share (about 60% potential upside in medium term). The stock is well balanced, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) and even trading when price is back to uptrend in short term.

CKI is an all-rounded stock but an investor or trader may need diversification over a portfolio of 10-20 giant stocks in 3 sectors of 3 countries, not to buy only 1 giant stock (concentration risk).

4) US Dividend Oil & Gas Stock – Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE: EPD)

Oil & Gas sector usually has cyclic business but commodity prices at higher optimism are supporting the giant stocks in oil & gas with stronger business. EPD is a special oil & gas stock with defensive business in midstream sector on delivery of crude oil and natural gas.  The earnings and cashflows are stable as business based on future contracts, less sensitive to volatile oil & gas prices.

Russia-Ukraine war has pushed the commodity prices to new high while demand for delivery of oil & gas would be more. Even when one day oil price may fall to lower optimism, EPD could still generate passive incomes which dividend payment has been consistent over the past few decades, currently dividend yield is 6.9% (about 4.3% net dividend yield after over 38% withholding tax to US government).

EPD is under MLP business model which can maximize dividend without corporate level tax, paying dividend 4 times each year, behaving like a REIT (both are required to pay 90% incomes as dividends to shareholders).

EPD is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $30/share (about 30% potential upside in medium term). The stock is well balanced, suitable for dividend investing (Buy & Hold for dividend), growth investing (Buy & Hold for capital gains), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) and even trading when price is back to uptrend in short term.

EPD is an all-rounded stock but an investor or trader may need diversification over a portfolio of 10-20 giant stocks in 3 sectors of 3 countries, not to buy only 1 giant stock (concentration risk).


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar

76 Singapore Commodity and Malaysia Plantation Stocks (天时地利)

Supply chain disruptions during pandemic has resulted in surging commodity prices (eg. palm oil and other agricultural products, crude oil, metals, etc). The situation becomes worst with recent Russia-Ukraine war, global inflations would be higher in near term, pushing commodity market to even higher optimism.

Instead of worrying about uncertain markets, a smart investor may consider strong commodity giant stocks with protection by rising commodity sector business, a natural way to hedge against high inflation with interest rate hike.

In this article, you will learn from Dr Tee on 76 Singapore Commodity and Malaysia Plantation Stocks to profit in current stock market, some may be considered for longer term investing and / or short term trading with COVID-19 recovery stock rally and high inflations. Bonus for readers who could read every word of the entire article, learning unique strategy to position in 6 Singapore and Malaysia commodity / plantation (mainly palm oil) giant stocks for both passive incomes (dividend) and capital gains with potential share price appreciation. Both Ein55 Optimism levels and intrinsic values will be shared for each giant stock:

3 Singapore Giant Commodity Stocks:

– Wilmar International (SGX: F34), Golden Agri Resources (SGX: E5H), First Resources (SGX: EB5)

3 Malaysia Giant Plantation Stocks:

United Plantations (Bursa: 2089), Genting Plantations (Bursa: 2291), Kim Loong Resources (Bursa: 5027)

These stocks have plantations and processing factories mainly on palm oil and some also on other agricultural products (eg. sugar, wheat, seeds, etc). Singapore and Malaysia has the most number of palm oil giant stocks in the world with plantations mainly based in Malaysia and Indonesia.

The best time to invest in 35 Singapore commodity stocks and 41 Malaysia plantation stocks (total 76 stocks) is always during global stock crisis (eg. Year 2020-2021 during pandemic, 2008—2009 during subprime crisis, etc), not only able to maximize the dividend yield (due to lower entry share price), also could have higher potential of capital gains (when market cycle moves from fear in low optimism to greed in high optimism). Commodity stock investing is not based on stock strategy (Buy Low Sell High) alone, may be integrated with dividend investing, growth investing, swing trading, momentum trading, cyclic investing, defensive investing and other Ein55 strategies.

More importantly, commodity stock investing has to be integrated with commodity market itself, eg, riding the uptrend of commodity prices. Since palm oil prices are at very high Ein55 Optimism over 75% (very bullish), most palm oil giant stocks are more suitable for short term to medium term trading, while a few could still be considered for longer term investing. So, alignment with short term prices by Technical Analysis is helpful (eg. ensure higher high and high low in share prices).

There are 76 Singapore commodity stocks and Malaysia plantation stocks (not all are giant stocks with Dr Tee criteria), based on the last price traded (30 Mar 2022), sorted by 3 key Fundamental Criteria:
1) ROE (a criteria for growth stocks, eg. ROE > 5%),
2) Dividend Yield, DY (a criteria for dividend stocks, eg. DY > 3%),
3) Price-to-Book (PB) ratio, Price/NAV (a criteria for undervalue stocks, eg. PB < 1).

From the table sorted below, 50% (38/76 stocks) are undervalue (Price to Book ratio, PB < 1), mainly due to COVID-19 stock crisis, affecting commodity business with bearish share prices a few years ago but trend is reversed currently with bullish commodity market.  There are 64% (49/76 stocks) have growing businesses (over 5% ROE, Return on Equity) with rising commodity prices while only 18% (14/76 stocks) were making losses during pandemic in Year 2021. There are nearly 50% (37/76 stocks) were paying dividend but only 20 stocks (26%) having dividend yield over 3%, potential for dividend investing (higher dividend yield may not be better).

No76 SG+MY Commodity StocksROE (%)PBDY (%)
1Asia Enterprises (SGX: A55)
2AsiaPhos (SGX: 5WV)-8332.511.3
3Bumitama Agri (SGX: P8Z)
4China Mining (SGX: BHD)27.30.5
5CNMC Goldmine (SGX: 5TP)
6Cosmo Steel (SGX: B9S)
7Don Agro (SGX: GRQ)
8First Resources (SGX: EB5)
9Fortress Minerals (SGX: OAJ)
10Geo Energy Resources (SGX: RE4)51.21.419.0
11Global Palm Resources (SGX: BLW)
12Golden Agri-Resources (SGX: E5H)
13Golden Energy (SGX: AUE)23.51.8
14Halcyon Agri (SGX: 5VJ)0.60.6
15HG Metal (SGX: BTG)
16Indofood Agri (SGX: 5JS)
17Intraco (SGX: I06)-1.60.7
18Jawala (SGX: 1J7)
19Kencana Agri (SGX: BNE)54.61.5
20Mewah Intl (SGX: MV4)
22Nam Lee Metal (SGX: G0I)
23NSL (SGX: N02)
24Resources Global (SGX: QSD)
25Samko Timber (SGX: E6R)-23.912.2
26Shen Yao (SGX: A78)-42.91.4
27Soon Lian (SGX: 5MD)
28Southern Alliance (SGX: QNS)
29Sri Trang Agro (SGX: NC2)34.00.915.8
30Union Gas (SGX: 1F2)
31Union Steel (SGX: BLA)
32USP Group (SGX: BRS)-5.70.2
33VCPlus (SGX: 43E)-44.215.0
34Wilmar International (SGX: F34)
35Wilton Resources (SGX: 5F7)6.21.9
36AASIA (Bursa: 7054)-3.40.4
37BKAWAN (Bursa: 1899)
38BLDPLNT (Bursa: 5069)
39BPLANT (Bursa: 5254)8.90.8
40CEPAT (Bursa: 8982)13.40.8
41CHINTEK (Bursa: 1929)
42DUTALND (Bursa: 3948)
43FAREAST (Bursa: 5029)13.11.7
44FGV (Bursa: 5222)21.51.3
45Genting Plantations (GENP) (Bursa: 2291)8.41.5
46GLBHD (Bursa: 7382)-4.90.3
47GOPENG (Bursa: 2135)-0.90.6
48HARNLEN (Bursa: 7501)-7.10.6
49HSPLANT (Bursa: 5138)
50INCKEN (Bursa: 2607)-2.00.3
51INNO (Bursa: 6262)26.82.6
52IOICORP (Bursa: 1961)
53JTIASA (Bursa: 4383)2.80.8
54Kim Loong Resources (KMLOONG) (Bursa: 5027)
55KLK (Bursa: 2445)
56KLUANG (Bursa: 2453)
57MALPAC (Bursa: 4936)4.30.5
58MATANG (Bursa: 0189)
59MHC (Bursa: 5026)14.70.8
60NPC (Bursa: 5047)2.10.4
61NSOP (Bursa: 2038)4.30.5
62PINEPAC (Bursa: 1902)-5.00.3
63PLS (Bursa: 9695)5.11.4
64RSAWIT (Bursa: 5113)-1.91.3
65RVIEW (Bursa: 2542)6.00.6
66SBAGAN (Bursa: 2569)
67SHCHAN (Bursa: 4316)38.00.5
68SIMEPLT (Bursa: 5285)14.92.3
69SOP (Bursa: 5126)18.21.1
70SWKPLNT (Bursa: 5135)19.01.1
71TAANN (Bursa: 5012)17.81.4
72TDM (Bursa: 2054)-4.40.7
73THPLANT (Bursa: 5112)10.81.2
74TSH (Bursa: 9059)10.31.4
75UMCCA (Bursa: 2593)
76United Plantations (UTDPLT) (Bursa: 2089)

However, not all the 76 Singapore Commodity and Malaysia Plantation stocks listed are giant stocks. A growing business in the past may not be sustainable during COVID-19 period and an undervalue stock may remain lagging in share prices for many years, could end up as a crisis stock. Fundamental Analysis alone is not sufficient, a low PB or low PE or high dividend yield stock may be a value trap as this may be the result of lower share price with weakening businesses. Therefore, deeper analysis is required with LOFTP (Level, Optimism, Fundamental, Technical, Personal Analysis) Strategies. 

Let’s learn these 6 commodity and plantation giant stocks (mainly related to palm oil) in Singapore and Malaysia, understanding the business nature, investment clock and unique strategy.

1) Singapore Commodity Giant Stock – Wilmar International (SGX: F34)

Among the 6 giant stocks studied, Wilmar has the largest market cap (about 10 times more relative to others), also the 6th largest stock in 30 STI component stocks. A giant is not defined by the size, even small cap stock could be a giant stock based on Dr Tee criteria.

The IPO of Wilmar subsidiaries in China and India help Wilmar to grow its market value further. Major shareholder is PPB Group (Bursa: 4065), Perlis Plantations Berhad, controlled by Kuok Family (led by Robert Kuok, the richest person in Malaysia). This is additional bonus with such a strong sponsor.

Wilmar has stronger business, mainly supported by higher commodity prices (eg. palm oil and sugar, etc). However, due to too bullish palm oil prices, when high inflation is tamed in future, it may affect its cyclic stock prices. Therefore, currently Wilmar (as well as other 5 giant stocks studied) is more suitable for short to medium term trading until the commodity market falling down from high optimism one day (likely triggered by another Black Swan).

Wilmar is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (<50%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $6/share (about 30% potential upside in medium term). The stock is well balanced, suitable for growth investing (Buy & Hold), cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High) or even dividend investing (about 3% dividend yield).

2) Singapore Commodity Giant Stock – Golden Agri Resources (SGX: E5H)

Golden Agri Resources is a very cyclic stock, share prices has been bearish over the past 10 years (2010-2020, suitable for shorting then), incurring big loss for long term investors. The business is also more cyclic in nature, currently having upside potential with rising palm oil prces.

Crisis (eg. lower share prices) is an opportunity only for a giant stock. Despite Golden Agri does not have very strong business, its foundation is good, able to recover in share prices after 10 years of “winter” for business and stock prices.

Golden Agri is still at moderate low Ein55 Optimism (about 30%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $0.60/share (about 2X potential upside but at the price of relatively higher risk). The stock is more suitable for cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High), aligning with palm oil optimism until the bull market has ended.

3) Singapore Commodity Giant Stock – First Resources (SGX: EB5)

First Resources is relatively smaller stock but it is also a giant stock, more suitable for shorter term trading as Ein55 Optimism is at fair price (about 50%). The share price is recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for short term trading.

The stock is more suitable for swing trading (Buy Low Sell High in weeks or months) or momentum trading (Buy High Sell Higher with price breakout), aligning with palm oil optimism until the bull market has ended. Alignment with short term prices by Technical Analysis is helpful (eg. ensure higher high and high low in share prices).

4) Malaysia Plantation Giant Stock – United Plantations (Bursa: 2089)

United Plantations is a rare giant stock suitable for long term investing (having over 100 years of history with Danish management for several generations in Malaysia). The parent company (UIE) is listed in Denmark, the close connection with Europe market also helps in its business positioning, especially with tighter Europe regulations for palm oil products.

United Plantations has relatively stronger and more defensive business than other peers in the same sector. Therefore, it is one of the few giant commodity stocks which may be considered for long term investing, in addition to short term trading, despite operating under a cyclic commodity market.

United Plantations is at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering steadily from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of over $20/share (about 40% potential upside). The stock is more suitable for mudium to long term investing (Buy Low Sell High), entry with consideration of short term trading is helpful to avoid price correction.

5) Malaysia Plantation Giant Stock – Genting Plantations (Bursa: 2291)

Genting Plantation is under Genting Berhad (Bursa: 3182), a giant group under severe crisis during pandemic (casino, cruise, hotel, plantations, etc).  However, the strong foundation of parent company has helped to support subsidiaries (except for Genting Hong Kong with cruise business).

As a result, Genting Plantations is suitable for Crisis Investing to Buy Low Sell High, leveraging on very low prices with calculated risks. This is comparable with stock investing in Golden Agri, higher risk for higher gains (Genting Plantations is stronger than Golden Agri for relative business comparison).

Genting Plantations is still at low Ein55 Optimism (<25%) but recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for Ein55 intrinsic value of about $17/share (about 2X potential upside but at the price of relatively higher risk). The stock is more suitable for cyclic investing (Buy Low Sell High), aligning with palm oil optimism until the bull market has ended.

6) Malaysia Plantation Giant Stock – Kim Loong Resources (Bursa: 5027)

Kim Loong Resources has strong business performance, comparable with United Plantations. It is smaller in size but a strong giant stock internally. However, due to relatively higher optimism than United Plantations, Kim Loong is more suitable for short trading or medium term investing.

Kim Loong Resources is at moderate high Ein55 Optimism (>50%, exceeding Ein55 intrinsic value). The share price is recovering well from low in pandemic, aiming for short term trading.

The stock is more suitable for swing trading (Buy Low Sell High in weeks or months) or momentum trading (Buy High Sell Higher with price breakout), aligning with palm oil optimism until the bull market has ended. Alignment with short term prices by Technical Analysis is helpful (eg. ensure higher high and high low in share prices).


There are over 2000 giant stocks in the world based on Dr Tee criteria, choice of 10 Dream Team giant stocks have to align with one’s unique personality, eg. for shorter term trading (eg. momentum or swing trading) or longer term investing (cyclic investing, undervalue investing or growth investing). Readers should not just “copy and paste” any stock (What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell) as successful action taking requires deeper consideration (LOFTP strategies – Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) which you could learn further from Dr Tee Free 4-hr Webinar.

Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr webinar (learning at comfort of home with Zoom) to learn how to position in global giant stocks during COVID-19 stock crisis with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Zoom will be started 30 min before event, bonus talk (Q&A on any investment topics from readers) for early birds. There are many topics we will cover in this 4hr webinar, Dr Tee can have more time for Q&A if you could stay later after the webinar, you could ask on any global and local stocks including but not limited to 30 STI component stocks:

Ascendas Reit (SGX: A17U), CapitaLand (SGX: C31), CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), City Development (SGX: C09), ComfortDelGro (SGX: C52), Dairy Farm International (SGX: D01), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust (SGX: BUOU), Genting Singapore (SGX: G13), Hongkong Land (SGX: H78), Jardine Cycle & Carriage (SGX: C07), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Keppel DC Reit (SGX: AJBU), Mapletree Commercial Trust (SGX: N2IU), Mapletree Industrial Trust (SGX: ME8U), Mapletree Logistics Trust (SGX: M44U), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), SATS (SGX: S58), Sembcorp Industries (SGX: U96), Singapore Airlines (SGX: C6L), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Singtel (SGX: Z74), ST Engineering (SGX: S63), Thai Beverage (SGX: Y92), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOL (SGX: U14), Venture Corporation (SGX: V03), Wilmar International (SGX: F34), YZJ Shipbldg SGD (SGX: BS6).

Dr Tee will cover over 20 case studies, Singapore giant stocks, eg. CapitaLand Integrated Commercial Trust (SGX: C38U), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), Keppel Corp (SGX: BN4), Top Glove (SGX: BVA), Jardine Matheson Holdings JMH (SGX: J36), Vicom (SGX: WJP) and many others, Malaysia giant stocks, Hong Kong giant stocks and US giant stocks, both long term investing and short term trading.

There are limited tickets left for this 4hr free webinar, please ensure 100% you could join when register:

View quick preview video below, Dr Tee will introduce 10 key stock investment strategies (股票投资十招) to be learned in 4hr free stock webinar:

Register Here (Dr Tee Free 4hr Stock Webinar):

Dr Tee Stock Webinar