Investing in global stock crisis is similar to wait for durian to fall (best if other people’s durian tree). It is fine to wait for durians to drop, eg. DBS Bank (SGX: D05) below $10/share or giant stocks below low optimism level, but if there is a small durian (eg. DBS below $15/share) comfortable to oneself along the way (so low that everyone could reach), may take one first, no need to wait for the biggest durian in the world as luck may not be there all the time (eg. buying at the lowest price).
This way, at least when the durian waiting game is over (Coronavirus fear), each investor has a gift from heaven for investment during crisis.
DBS Bank (SGX: D05) below $10/share or OCBC Bank (SGX: O39) below $5/share is as if durian drops down, some “abnormal” contrarian investors would start to enter. Every 10+ years, this DBS durian only has chance to drop, currently not ripe yet. Other giant stocks fruits (may not as tasty as durian) start to ripe already, hanging low, waiting for investors to pluck with a low price. But some worry the price of future durians may drop further, so still waiting for lower price. Question is durian may stop to drop one day, no one know when is the day, so need to take calculated risk at certain point, otherwise need to accept possibility of missing the opportunity boat one day.
Usually summer time around Jun-Aug is durian season here, perhaps implying more opportunities then. Coronavirus may end by summer for stock market to recover or pandemic may continue longer to cause global financial crisis. Stock investment is similar to wait for durian, must eventually take action (Buy, Hold, Sell, Wait, Shorting), otherwise one may be still empty handed after the season is over (榴莲忘返).
Cash is king when used at the right time. The key is to define the “right time” for everyone, aligned to own personality.
1) Counter-trend investors (buy low sell high) may start to take action in bearish stock market below low optimism < 25%.
2) Life-time investors (buy low & hold for life time) may want to wait for Level 3-4 (eg US) to fall to low optimism or even until global financial crisis happens (eg GDP declines over 10% in many countries).
3) Trend-follower traders or investors may wait until the durian feast is over, there will be still leftover due to over supply, not in a hurry to join the bearish stock market, wait for the trend to reverse first before long the market. Some traders who could not wait till summer, may want to collect “junk” durian by selling to others (shorting at junk stocks in bear market) to make profit.
Despite many global giant stocks are at low optimism (not yet for DBS), but Levels 3 (country, eg. US) and Level 4 (world) stock market are not yet at low optimism (but trending down again this week), so it is prudent to save silver bullets but need to have a plan to trigger it, so that will get something when stock hunting game is over.
Remember to ensure durian tree will not fall first (business fundamental is strong, won’t go bankrupt easily) during the thunder storm (economic crisis), otherwise no more durian in future, investor may also get injure as buy low for weak fundamental stock may get lower or get zero eventually.
So, which type of durian are you waiting to drop? D24 (DBS) or Mao Shan Wang or any global giant durian?
There are 30 Banking & Finance Stocks in Singapore including DBS Bank (investor has to focus only on giant stocks for investing):
AMTD IB OV (SGX: HKB), B&M Hldg (SGX: CJN), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Edition (SGX: 5HG), G K Goh (SGX: G41), Global Investment (SGX: B73), Great Eastern (SGX: G07), Hong Leong Finance (SGX: S41), Hotung Investment (SGX: BLS), IFAST Corporation (SGX: AIY), IFS Capital (SGX: I49), Intraco (SGX: I06), Maxi-Cash Finance (SGX: 5UF), MoneyMax Finance (SGX: 5WJ), Net Pacific Finance (SGX: 5QY), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), Pacific Century (SGX: P15), Prudential USD (SGX: K6S), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), SHS (SGX: 566), Sing Investments & Finance (SGX: S35), Singapore Reinsurance (SGX: S49), Singapura Finance (SGX: S23), TIH (SGX: T55), Uni-Asia Group (SGX: CHJ), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOB-KAY HIAN HOLDINGS (SGX: U10), UOI (SGX: U13), ValueMax (SGX: T6I), Vibrant Group (SGX: BIP).
Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr investment course to learn how to position in global giant stocks with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.
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