Enrollment of 2-Day Ein55 Express Course

SMARTS Enterprise LLP (Business Registration No: T13LL0028C)
Contact Dr Tee: Tel: +65-96498825. Email: ein55.tee@gmail.com

Step 1) Register Course (Participant Details – 1 entry per person. Click weblink below):

Step 2) Make Payment (Choose 1 of 3 methods below)
1) PayNOW: 96498825 (Dr Tee Tong Yan): SGD 400
2) Internet Banking: OCBC 588-112961-001 (SMARTS Enterprise LLP): SGD 400
3) Credit Card: SGD 400 + Payment Processing Fee (SGD 20) = SGD 420 (credit card payment link will be email in about 1hr, check spam folder if not received)
4) Others (Please Contact Dr Tee Today if you don’t have any of the 3 payment methods above)

Step 3) Whatsapp Dr Tee (+65-96498825) or email (ein55.tee@gmail.com) with record after payment is done today. Allocation of class is based on First Come First Served.

Course Dates (2-Day Ein55 Course by Dr Tee):

TimeJuly 2025
(Live Zoom)
Make Up
Day 16:30pm– 10:30pmJuly 9 (Wed)TBA
Day 21:30pm– 6:30pmJuly 12 (Sat)TBA

Terms & Conditions
When enrolling in this course, you agree with these terms & conditions:

  1. There will be strictly no refund allowed after full payment or deposit has been made.
  2. Money Back Guaranteed bonus is valid only if the course topics committed during preview (eg. practical applications of FA + TA + Optimism in Day 1) are not covered, request for refund must be raised to Dr Tee by end of Day1 class.
  3. All information shared in our program is not deemed to be investment advice of any kind. Any stock or investment mentioned in the programs are for illustration purposes only.
  4. The organizer reserves the right to amend the program schedule and teaching channel whenever deemed necessary. Attendees will be informed accordingly. Zoom Login will be given about 2 weeks before the program schedule.
  5. If you are not able to attend the course, please inform the organizer in advance for make-up with video recording.
  6. Course notes and software have copyright, given for personal use, any form of sharing, sales or commercialization is prohibited.