Warren Buffett has gradually adjusted his investment styles over the past few decades. In the early years, he applied more on value investing to buy stocks at discount. Then he gathered more stocks with steady business but slower growth (eg. Wal-mart, Coca-Cola, etc).
However, Berkshire is a listed investment company, Warren Buffett has to “evolve” to increase the growth rate of investment. Therefore, it is not a surprise when we see Warren Buffett started to invest in technology company (eg. IBM and Apple) for higher potential return. Despite he is not a technology person (he usually said don’t invest in something you don’t know), he could still make a decision through the financial reports of there technology companies.
Similarly, Warren Buffett has significant investment in airlines stocks as the cyclic stocks could give higher capital gains through longer term cyclic trading or mid-term investing for a few years. Warren Buffett enjoyed tremendous gain in the past in “trading” PetroChina, Buy Low Sell High in 4 years.
So, just be yourself, no need to copy other people’s best method, eg Warren Buffett styles. Before any investment, reviewing own past history of investment performance (reasons for successes or failures), leveraging on other people’s proven strategies, integrate and reshape into own unique stock investment and trading strategies, John or Mary’s Styles.
The only thing not changed is change itself. It is fine for retail investors and traders to adjust own styles over the years when one has identify the “sweet spot” which one is comfortable, eg. “buying a portfolio giant stocks at discounted price during crisis to collect dividends and waiting appreciation of share price over the decades with quarterly monitoring of business performance.”
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