Global stock markets (including US & Singapore) have fallen over 20% from the peaks of indices over the past 1 month, fulfilling the common technical definition of a “Bear Market”. Global and local stock investors who still have stocks now are worrying (stocks may have dropped by 20-50%), not sure what to do under dual crisis of Coronavirus and crude oil Market.
Although global financial crisis is not confirmed yet (so far is still a mini bear, even with 20-30% stock indices correction), it has potential to get worse if country economy is also affected (i.e. recession if next few quarters have negative GDP growth) and other investment market (eg. property, typically effect will be shown in about 3-6 months after stock crisis) may all fall.
Here are 5 KEY actions to take in stock crisis now, depending on individual investor:
1) Hold
This action is more suitable for longer term investors investing in defensive giant stocks with strong business fundamental, collecting dividend consistently, even during stock crisis. Only about 5% of global stocks are defensive (relative to stock indices and blue chips), could within the impact of global financial crisis. 95% of global stocks will be affected by this systematic risks of global financial crisis, falling down more than 50% in share prices.
2) Buy / Wait
Yes, it is time for Ein55 members to do homework to pick up dream team stocks aligned with own personality.
Ein55 graduates may consider over 1500 giant stocks globally. Many stocks are heavily discounted but currently more suitable for contrarian value investor who has strong holding power as short term price trend is still bearish. Integrate LOFTP strategies together to plan for this rare gift from heaven.
For general public (non-Ein55 graduate) who are not trained for Ein55 investing styles, you may attend free 4hr investment course by Dr Tee, you will learn how to position on global giant stocks: www.ein55.com
Each of you just needs to shortlist 10-20 giant stocks to form a dream team portfolio, then align strategy with personality to plan for entries in batches.
“What” to Buy does not mean “Now” to Buy. Since the short term stock market now is bearish, “Buy” action now is more suitable for contrarian investor (eg. Warren Buffett). There could be more downside (despite over 20% stock market correction), optimism analysis is required, especially for Level 3 (US) and Level 4 (world) for stock markets.
Some investors may prefer to “Wait” for reversal in prices, integrating trading into investing, buying low enough, but no need to aim for the lowest prices (no possible unless one is very lucky, but luck may only come once, as good as speculation). In short, don’t greedy to buy at the lowest, just buy low enough.
3) Sell / Shorting
Sell action could be a bit late (falling from 90% to nearly 50% optimism for US stock market, already a fair value but not yet low optimism which is undervalue) but it is never too late, especially if investor has stocks with weak fundamental. Loss aversion psychology may encourage potential sellers to hold on to junk stocks, resulting in more potential losses over next 6-12 months if stock crisis gets worse.
Alternatively, an investor could apply “Shorting” to hedge against the current position, buying an insurance from further downside of stock crisis.
Experienced traders are happily look for many opportunities during stock crisis now to short (profiting from falling of stock prices). However, shorting requires strict compliance with trading plan (SET: Stop Loss / Entry / Target Prices), especially during the volatile stock market which could move up and down by 5 to 10% daily for indices, 10-20% daily for individual stocks.
Current stock market crisis could be just a flash crash (with V-shape recovery if Coronavirus may end in summer as China epidemic was about 4 months from Dec 2019 to Mar 2020, rest of the world is delayed in outbreak, could be Feb – Jun 2020 for pandemic). It could also trigger a more severe global financial crisis (if economy is affected starting from airline / consumer / retail sectors, together with falling of property market, over next 6-12 months).
Regardless it is a mini bear (major correction) or big bear (global financial crisis), both are significant opportunities, gifts from heaven for those who are prepared.
Take Action (Buy / Hold / Sell / Wait / Shorting) for Stock Crisis Now. If you are unsure how to take the right action for yourself (unique personality), learn from Dr Tee free 4hr course on formation of a dream team stock portfolio in this perfect storm, converting crisis into future wealth: www.ein55.com