Over the past 7 years of teaching with over 700 days of lessons, Dr Tee has not taken 1 single day of MC, working nearly each day. So naturally I feel sad to cancel 12 events in Feb 2020 due to Coronavirus alert by government for wellness of students during this crucial period.
Crisis is Opportunity, I have used the 1 month homestay to learn how to make youtube video talk. After a few days of effort, here is Ein55 Talk for Ein55 Reader on Wuhan Coronavirus Life Cycle with Stock Market Analysis.
Enjoy and give your comments for improvement. You may subscribe to Ein55 youtube channel (Ein Tee) for future Ein55 video talks. You may also attend Dr Tee free investment courses and download free eBooks at www.ein55.com. Join Dr Tee Facebook Investment Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ein55forum/
Here is English Version of Dr Tee Video Talk (Chinese version is available as Dr Tee is bilingual):