Jeff Bezos of Amazon is No 1 of Top 10 Richest Investors and Businessmen in the world as of Mar 2018. It is not just a competition of individual wealth. It is relative performance of their stocks in the current stock market, implying Amazon (Jeff Bezos) outperforms Microsoft (Bill Gates) in stocks.
See the list of Top 10 Richest Investors in the world, in Asia or even in Singapore, most of these richest persons have a successful business empire, supported by profitable business (Level 1) in a growing sector (Level 2) of a major economy (Level 3) with global influence (Level 4).
Since the contribution of stock performance is key to wealth of individual, this relative ranking of Top 10 Richest Investors could change again every year, depending on their stock prices and business performance. Only those businesses have sustainable growth could dominate the stock market and Top 10 Richest Investors ranking for a long term.
We don’t have to envy of the wealth of Top 10 Richest Investors but we could consider share their wealth by joining as a minority business partner, simply buy the stocks of these giant businesses (Amazon, Microsoft, Berkshire, Facebook, Google, etc) at the right time. Although we may not be able to be the same in terms of absolute wealth as it requires accumulation of money over a long term, it is possible to have similar relative growth in wealth as Top 10 Richest Investors in the world if we could own their stocks.
A short term trader could buy high sell higher, these giant stocks of Top 10 Richest Investors (Amazon, Microsoft, Berkshire, Facebook, Google, etc) likely have strong momentum to grow in share prices further but a smart trader would know when to take profits as the optimism of stock could be on high side. On the other hand, a long term investor may wait patiently for global financial crisis to buy these profitable businesses with share prices falling more than 50%, but the business is still making money each day even during the market fear driven crisis, having tremendous upside for potential capital gains by holding to the stocks.
Learn further from Dr Tee free investment courses to share the profits of these Top 10 Richest Investors in the World, Asia and Singapore (various case studies with strategies will be discussed) through trading or investing in their stocks at the right time, aligning to own unique personalities.